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Writer's pictureErin Bright

Virgo Season is Returning us to Business as Usual

Updated: Sep 20

As the Sun enters into Virgo on August 22nd, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get down to business. The lazy days of summer are officially in the rear view—Virgo season demands we pay attention to those pesky details we've been blissfully ignoring. So, grab your planner and make a list because it's all about efficiency, organization, and fine-tuning life like it’s your job (because, it kind of is). Virgo is definitely school is in session kind of energy which means this is a excellent time to consciously design your life, start a regimen, or level up any of your daily operations

August 28th

On August 28th, Mercury finally decides he needs a break from the shenanigans  and stations direct in Leo.  Now we can actually say what we mean without backtracking or second-guessing every word. If you’ve been sitting on a brilliant idea or waiting for the right moment to make an announcement…now’s the time! And do it with flair! Leo said so!

August 29th

Then, on August 29th, Venus slips into Libra. Relationships get a major upgrade when Venus is in Libra. She serves the romance and begs us to all get along. Venus is the ruler of this air sign making her mission a pragmatic approach to love and humanity. Venus in libra is the definition of loving all of the whole ass humans.

September 1st

On the 1st we are noting 2 transits...Uranus throwing it into reverse in Taurus is like the universe asking you to double check your homework, your requests to the universe and your current behaviors. We are reassessing our 3D on a subconscious level.

Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn. Is another chapter to a story we have been reading since March of 2023 where we are running an analysis on old, crusty power structures aren’t going down without a fight. There may be some drama here… until November 19th.

September 2nd

The Virgo New Moon on September 2nd is basically Virgo season on steroids. It’s the cosmic equivalent of a fresh notebook and a brand-new set of highlighters— organized but borderline obsessive. Time to set intentions that actually stick, and maybe finally get around to that closet you’ve been meaning to clean out…for three years. More to come on this new moon.

September 4th

Is bringing Mars into Cancer. This is the end of the frenemy energy and a retreat in. Mars in Cancer is all about channeling your inner warrior into protecting what’s close to your heart. This may mean an aggressive trek inward with a cozy blanket. Feisty feelings make change so embrace those.

September 9th

Mercury reenters Virgo after its detour through Leo, and we’re back in business. Expect a return to the nitty-gritty, with communication that’s as sharp as a tack and no patience for BS. If there’s ever a time to get your facts straight and speak your mind with precision, it’s now. Welcome back, sanity.

September 17th

Is serving up a Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces…get ready to stir the emotional pot. We are deep in the feels as this eclipse shines a light on the fine line between reality and fantasy. It’s time to let go of those dreamy delusions and embrace a little more truth—even if it’s not as pretty as you hoped. I will definetly be sharing more on this 2 and a half years storyline.

September 22nd

Finally, on September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra, giving us all permission to chill out and enjoy life a bit more. Libra season is here to remind us that balance isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a lifestyle.

I do wish you the best Virgo Season possible. If you would like to plan more directly for these transits by assessing where they are happening in your chart I would love for you to book an appointment so we can dig a little deeper.

Love all y’all whole ass humans!


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