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Writer's pictureErin Bright

New Moon in Libra Eclipse : The End of an Era and the Start of a New Journey

The Libra New Moon Eclipse on October 2, 2024, holds profound significance as the final eclipse in Libra Eclipse cycle, closing a chapter that began on October 14, 2023. This eclipse marks the culmination of a year-long journey of transformation, balance, and self-discovery surrounding our relationships.

Since October 2023, we’ve been working through themes of justice, relationships, and self-worth, all under Libra’s influence. Over the past year, you may have found yourself challenged to confront where balance and fairness were missing in your life, particularly in your relationship with yourself. This final Libra eclipse asks us to reflect on that journey—how far we’ve come and what's left that needs a final sweep to the curb.


This eclipse is conjunct Black Moon Lilith and Mercury, creating a powerful portal for healing deep-rooted shame and negative self-talk. It’s time to acknowledge any patterns that have been holding you back and release the stories you’ve carried about your own worth, because you will never be able to manifest and experience more that you subconsiously think you deserve. Venus, Libra’s ruler, guides us to treat ourselves with fairness and kindness, allowing us to embrace our full humanity, flaws and all. Venus wants us to recognize our deserving for just being here.

For those of you who practice candle magic or meditation, the Alchemy & Art New Moon Member Offerings are crafted with extra support from Venus herself. The deep, dark blue candle is infused with the scents of rose, jasmine, and hyssop, carefully chosen to enhance Venus’s intellectual sense of justice. These fragrances invite us to call in love, protection, and fairness, while the accompanying New Moon Meditation helps us do the same on a subconscious level as we navigate the powerful celestial energies of this eclipse.


While this eclipse at its root is offering health, Mars in Cancer is squaring the situation, bringing emotional challenges to the surface. Mars in Cancer can be emotionally volatile, especially when we are being asked to expose and release old wounds, especially where others are to blame. However, this tension is where growth happens. By leaning into the discomfort and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you create the space for real transformation.

This moment also serves as a precursor to even deeper healing. Mars will retrograde into Leo and back into Cancer between December 2024 and February 2025, a period where emotional and internalized aggression may resurface due to Mars’s fallen placement in Cancer. The work you do now—using this eclipse energy to heal shame and release old patterns—will be crucial in navigating the challenges of that retrograde. By addressing the roots of emotional defensiveness and insecurity during this New Moon, you'll find yourself better equipped to handle the retrograde with less resistance, making the most of what could otherwise be a turbulent period.

Setting Intentions for 2025

The work we do under this lunation is 2 fold. Not only could you avoid a turbulant Winter with the Mars Retrograde but you could also call in a more deserving 2025. As I mentioned before, you can only manifest what you believe you deserve, therefore this closure and healing could also support your looking ahead. In 2025, the entire outerbelt will be stationing in new houses, they will bring profound changes and opportunity on both personal and collective levels. How you choose to engage now will set the tone for how you experience those shifts.

Get really clear on the cause and affect of what you want and what you will let go of to receive it. Release what no longer serves you, especially the internal narratives that have kept you small or hidden. Acknowledge that they created perceived safety and that now you deserve more and get real clear on what that is.

Here are some reflection questions that will direct you to what house this is happening in on your chart. If you would like to understand the deeper landscape of what is happening for you in the cosmos, I would love for you to book an appointment and allow me the privilege of being your astrologer.

Rising Sign

Reflective Question (House Theme)

Aries Rising

7th House: What patterns in your relationships are you ready to release, and how can you show up more authentically?

Taurus Rising

6th House: Where can you heal negative self-talk about your daily routines or health habits, and how can you treat your body with more compassion?

Gemini Rising

5th House: How can you embrace your creativity without fear of judgment, and what inner child wounds are ready to be healed?

Cancer Rising

4th House: What old family dynamics or childhood wounds are holding you back from feeling safe and at home within yourself?

Leo Rising

3rd House: How can you change the way you communicate with yourself and others, and release shame around your voice or opinions?

Virgo Rising

2nd House: What beliefs about self-worth are preventing you from feeling abundant, and how can you heal your relationship with money or resources?

Libra Rising

1st House: What parts of yourself have you been hiding out of shame, and how can you step into your full authenticity with confidence?

Scorpio Rising

12th House: What unconscious fears or self-sabotaging patterns are ready to be released, and how can you embrace more self-compassion in solitude?

Sagittarius Rising

11th House: What limiting beliefs about your role in communities or friendships need to be healed, and how can you align more with your true social values?

Capricorn Rising

10th House: What fears around public image or career success are holding you back, and how can you redefine success on your own terms?

Aquarius Rising

9th House: How can you release rigid beliefs or philosophies that no longer serve you, and open yourself to new ways of thinking and growth?

Pisces Rising

8th House: What fears around vulnerability or taboo topics are preventing deeper intimacy, and how can you heal your relationship with trust and shared resources?

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