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Writer's pictureErin Bright

Full Moon in Capricorn: Part 2

And we are doing it again! We are experiencing a rinse and repeat of our full moon in Capricorn, after we have had this more nurturing Cancer energy for the past 4 weeks plus the added boost of confidence from Mercury entering Leo for the past 2. I want to get into why we are in the same place with vastly different tools.

Let's Go On A Tangent...An Analogy Journey

I want to begin by addressing that in regards to astrology even though everything is ultimately neutral and holistically a spectrum of energy, that the universe is always trying to keep balanced, I want to express that I will always read the astrology of the collective in the most supportive way possible due to the fact that I believe in freewill and ultimately I BELIEVE IN YOU. I don’t believe that the astrology is a permission slip for you to be any kind of way or to quit on your goals and desires. I believe it is a mirror of energetic starts, stops, reviews, meetings, creativity, breaks and results. When we look to do anything with the tools of astrology backing us we are looking for ease; not a permission slip or rejection letter. You are capable of your authentic desires all of the time. Think of the planets as your immediate and extended family and you are your manifestations, dreams and goals. You can do whatever you want with your life. You are allowed to do career, partnerships and live however you want. Your success in achieving your desired life is not contingent on your actual receiving of support but more accurately based on your willingness to disappoint others or go against the grain, if it is in support your whole ass self.

Let’s get a little deeper and a little weirder with this analogy.  Each planet is a family member and each zodiac is the type of personality the family member exudes. So lets say you are the Sun in Virgo and you want to be a ____________ and shack up with or marry ____________ and live in____________.  Your approach is going to be methodical and you are going to try to make it as enjoyable, beautiful and fool proof as possible…you definitely have a 5 year plan and will be able to support your partner and your lifestyles. Your mom is the Moon and, as a Capricorn, she wants to be supportive but she will remind you repeatedly that you can do anything but she thinks that you need $10,000 more in savings or you need to have a cheaper home. While your brother, Mercury is an Aries and the ultimate hype man! You will never get him to shut up about how great your job is and how amazing your partner is…and they only met twice but he does not care cuz they are GRRRRRREAT! Your sister, Venus is a Taurus and she is happy if you are happy but insists your company logo (which predates your employment) could be a “little cuter”. Your dad, Mars, is the sweetest Cancer ever and loves and supports you so much as long as you aren’t moving during Monday night football or asking him to understand what you actually do for a living. The Aquarius cousin, Neptune thinks that you are the coolest person on the coolest path and they love your creativity, but will likely not remember what you do in a week…and don’t be surprised if they forget your name at Thanksgiving. Everyone seems to agree that you shouldn’t tell your Grandpa Saturn in Gemini anything about you; there is no telling what he will say to who at the commitment ceremony. All of this to say, when your desires desire you be willing to disappoint the ones who aren’t living in your shoes and know that they will orbit as they are meant to individually orbit and maybe they will come around to a more supportive place, as their path progresses. I hope that helps you understand a sense of the freewill that you have as an individual living the Astrological energetics.

What has happened since our last Full Moon in Capricorn?

The sun has spent about 30 days in the most marshmellowy, nurturing placement in zodiac warming our Northern Hemisphere with its goodness and its healing, watery nature. Mercury, our planetary ruler of thinking and communicating, has spent about 19 days in Leo imbuing our inner and outer dialogues with confidence since he entered the sign on the 2nd of July. Mars has entered Gemini which means our get up and go is lacking a little clarity but there is a new willingness to fake it ’til you make it. And Uranus and Jupiter have both supportively aspected the north node which means that there have been more dreamy, expansive thoughts about supporting your truest, authentic self and soul.

Now what do I do with that information?

Go to your writing on June 21st and read it thoroughly…maybe even copy it into your July 21st journal entry. Now reassess your goals and rewrite them through your new lens. Are your goals imbued with the support of the sun in cancer; are they life giving and nurturing to you as they could be? Do they have the confident supportive dialogue delivered by one, Mercury in Leo? Do you have a new willingness to step into your manifestations without understanding where they are going as a Mars in Gemini might? Do you have any dreams that don’t feel as authentically you, today? Are you coming to the realization  there something more expansive you wish to be a part of? After your reassessment, rewrite your manifestations, thank yourself for any aligned action you have taken, thank Spirit and God for the support and new perspective, and finally recommit to your manifestations and make a list of aligned action for the next week. And if you want the deeper supports only a personal reading can offer, let me know. You have the capacity! I believe in you! Be the whole ass human of your dreams!

Love Ya! Byyyye!


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