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Writer's pictureErin Bright

Full Moon in Aries: October 17, 2024

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024, marks a powerful culmination in the lunar cycle and officially brings eclipse season to an end. After the intensity of the last few weeks, we can finally catch our breath and reflect on what has unfolded. Eclipse season is always a time of heightened energy and unpredictable shifts, but now that the lunar cycle has completed, we have the chance to integrate the lessons we've learned.

This Full Moon sits in a challenging position, where the Sun and Moon are in direct opposition across the sky. It’s almost like the cosmic parents are standing on opposite ends of the room, and the Earth—you, me, all of us—is sitting smack in the middle, forced to mediate the tension. If you’ve felt like you’ve been breaking up a celestial tug-of-war, you’re not alone. Full Moons naturally highlight contrasts and conflicts, and when it’s in Aries, we’re literally adding fire. Aries, ruled by Mars, is action, impulse, and raw power, so expect tempers and passions to flare under this moonlight.

Squares & Oppositions

But that’s not all. As the Sun and Moon are opposite each other while Mars and Pluto are also forming an opposition at an exact square to the Full Moon. Mars (action) is opposite Pluto (transformation) are showing up to exercise some good old-fashioned power plays. Mars with its drive and desire is more volatile in its fall in Cancer, while Pluto takes us into the underworld of our psyche, demanding that we face our fears and inner demons. When these two planets face off in opposition, it’s like a pressure cooker ready to burst, so tread carefully. Power dynamics are heightened, and with the Full Moon in Aries, you may find yourself standing up for your personal autonomy or fighting against external control.

Mars and Pluto in opposition during this Full Moon amps up the intensity, forcing us to deal with tension we might’ve been avoiding. Mars is about going full throttle, while Pluto would rather probe. The opposition creates a tug-of-war between action and transformation. You might feel pulled in two directions, struggling between moving forward with your plans and being forced to deal with underlying issues that need to be addressed before you can fully progress.


Now, let’s talk about conjunctions. A conjunction happens when two planets are within about 5 degrees of one another. But since the Moon moves so fast, I like to look at the 13-degrees surrounding the moon. Why? Because in the past 24 hours, the Moon has met up with none other than Chiron, who’s still hanging out in Aries, moving retrograde. Anytime the Moon meets up with a healing celestial body like Chiron, it’s worth paying attention. The Moon represents our intuition, emotions, and inner world, while Chiron is the wounded healer, representing the places where we carry deep emotional scars but also the potential for profound healing.

With the Moon and Chiron linking up, this Full Moon brings an added layer of emotional vulnerability and an opportunity for healing...if you can get past the tension. Chiron retrograde asks us to revisit old wounds and see them in a new light, and with the Moon in fast-moving Aries, this process could feel raw, immediate, and maybe a little overwhelming.

In short, this Full Moon in Aries is fiery, fierce, and full of transformative potential. It’s a time to reflect on what has come to fruition, face the power struggles in your life, and address what medicides promote healing. With the eclipse season officially behind us, I feel like this moon is just one more little stretch on the tension of the rubber band before we can rest. So do your best to honor the tension and don’t let it control you.

If you would like more information I would love to dive into your chart for this complex cycle.

Love you and Peace


Rising Sign

Tension Areas


This Full Moon is happening in your 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses, creating tension around self-identity, home, relationships, and career. You may feel pulled between personal needs and external responsibilities.


This lunation highlights your 12th, 3rd, 6th, and 9th houses, stirring up issues in the areas of secrets, communication, health, and your broader philosophy. You might be dealing with unresolved matters coming to light or needing to balance wellness and learning.


The Full Moon is activating your 11th, 2nd, 5th, and 8th houses, emphasizing community, finances, creativity, and deep transformation. There could be challenges around balancing your social life with personal resources and creative self-expression.


This Full Moon lights up your 10th, 1st, 4th, and 7th houses, creating tension in your career, personal identity, home, and relationships. You might feel pressure to juggle public responsibilities with personal and domestic life.


The Full Moon lands in your 9th, 12th, 3rd, and 6th houses, bringing focus to your beliefs, subconscious, communication, and health. It’s a time to balance the inner and outer worlds and reflect on how your deeper beliefs influence your day-to-day life.


This lunation impacts your 8th, 11th, 2nd, and 5th houses, highlighting deep transformation, social connections, finances, and creativity. You may feel the push-pull between personal transformations and how you fit within your community.


The Full Moon occurs in your 7th, 10th, 1st, and 4th houses, drawing attention to relationships, career, self, and home. The tension will likely revolve around how you balance your partnership dynamics with your personal goals and home life.


This Full Moon activates your 6th, 9th, 12th, and 3rd houses, focusing on health, daily routines, beliefs, and communication. There may be tension between taking care of your physical well-being and the need for broader exploration or learning.


The Full Moon touches your 5th, 8th, 11th, and 2nd houses, highlighting creativity, transformation, social connections, and finances. You might be navigating how personal expression fits into deeper, more intense life changes and your role in the community.


The Full Moon shines on your 4th, 7th, 10th, and 1st houses, creating tension between home, relationships, career, and personal identity. You may feel challenged to balance your inner world with external achievements and partnerships.


This Full Moon brings focus to your 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses, highlighting communication, health, philosophy, and the subconscious. Tension may arise as you balance your day-to-day activities with deeper, more philosophical concerns.


The Full Moon hits your 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses, stirring tension around finances, creativity, transformation, and community. You may feel the need to balance personal resources with deeper, transformative changes and how you contribute to the world around you.

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