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Writer's pictureErin Bright

2024 Leo Season Astrology Happenings

IT IS LEO SEASON!!! Here is the 2024 Leo Season Astrology Happenings!

July 22nd

The sun begins to infuse our Leo houses with life-affirming energy. During Leo season, we experience double the Sun vibes: we feel confident, vivacious, and fully immersed in the goodness of summer. We are nourished by a royal diet of affirmations, freely expressing ourselves, and tapping into our ideas and identity. Leos are always prepared to shine, and the season endows us with an abundant dose of that energy. Meanwhile, Mercury, has already been amplifying these vibes, channeling confidence and creativity into our thoughts and work, but...

July 25th

Mercury enters Virgo, we are given this opportunity to put on our poindexter hats to organize the files and think about processes to make those creative juices flow into a 3 dimensional existence. This is an 11 to 21 day brainstorm that you can use on a solitary basis or to collaborate and delegate to make projects become more real. Virgo is the Magician’s left hand bringing things to the 3D as Leo is the right receiving the ideas.

Why is there a 10-day margin of error within this brainstorming period? In 2024, Mercury Retrogrades have a theme of fire tied to them, as they all move back from short stints in earth signs or stay fiery for Mercury's entire stay. This gives us a broader theme of reassessing fire-related topics such as ambition, creativity, drive, self-expression, and a sense of adventure throughout the year. It's about evaluating how we use our energy and propel ourselves forward as individuals who create, express, and explore.

I believe the first third of the retrograde’s hiccups will be nominal compared to the period of time that is August 14th through September 11th, when Mercury is playing his tricks in Leo. Also, keep in mind that Leo energy isn’t nearly as patient as Virgo’ I feel confident its effects will be more intensely experienced.

August 4th

We have a New Moon in Leo with some pretty interesting supporting players, despite the Mercury retrograde, so look forward to that post becoming available on the 4th or listen now because it is available in my Patreon as audio, for your listening pleasure.

August 7th

Is an auspicious day of planetary meet ups Jupiter and Pluto are having their own little 135 degree shout across the chart, called a sesqui-quadrate, which is essentially 2 expanders checkin in to move the energy forward. They understand that the work of expansion is hard and there will be internal growing pains in order to push forward any stagnation in thoughts and aligned actions but these 2 are ready for movement. The sun is in a sextile with Jupiter which is also life giving, warm and lucky. Venus and Mercury are conjoined all this is adding vibes of love, beauty and an excitement to talk about it. Take a minute this day and send this energy to imbue light into your life, your thoughts, your relationships and your work. Love on yourself with a willingness to explore and communicate.

August 14th

Mercury re-enters Leo during its retrograde pushing us into a deeper reassessment of our expressions of creativity, confidence, and leadership. Bringing light areas where our pride may have overshadowed our true intentions or where our need for recognition has clouded our authenticity. It encourages us to reflect on how we communicate our passions and talents to the world, and whether our actions align with our heart's desires. By revisiting projects, relationships, and personal goals, we gain clarity to what truly brings us joy and how we can more genuinely shine as whole ass humans. This time is a powerful opportunity to realign with our inner truth, ensuring that our self-expression is both heartfelt and impactful.

On this day, Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, the energetics of this astrological alignment are dynamic and intellectually stimulating. Mars, the planetary ruler of action, drive, and assertiveness, combines its fiery energy with Jupiter, the ruler of expansion, growth, and optimism, in the versatile and communicative sign of Gemini. These energetics ignite a desire for knowledge and adventure, encouraging bold pursuits and ambitious projects. The influence of Gemini adds a layer of curiosity, adaptability, and mental agility, making this period ideal for learning, networking, and exploring new ideas.  However, it's essential to channel this energy mindfully to avoid overextending or scattering efforts across too many interests at once.

August 18th

Thank God for Mercury Cazimi’s! I always look forward to the clarity shown on us during the time of a Cazimi. The sun holds Mercury in its heart center and shines its light so that we can receive the clarity of mind that only the sun can provide during a retrograde. What light is being cast on your Leo house?

August 19th

Full moon in Aquarius with Jupiter squaring Saturn! There is a full blog post scheduled for this Astrology or you can listen to it in our Patreon community.

August 22nd

The Sun enters Virgo and concludes our 2024 Leo Season.

As always, know that the amount of, or type of, planetary action in these signs can vary dramatically from person to person and this will affect your experience throughout the season. If Saturn is in your Leo House or your Leo House is the 8th house you are sure to experience this season in a very different way than you would if the house was empty or Venus were to be present. The weight of the planets can even shift if you were born at night versus if you were born during the day. If you would like to have more insight into your personal astrology, please, allow me to offer assistance. I love sharing the stars with clients, its literally my fave! Make sure you check the chart for your Leo Season Reflections and Affirmations.

Happy Leo Season



Leo House Affirmations and Reflections

Rising Sign

Reflective Question



How can I embrace my creativity and passions more fully to bring joy into my life?

I celebrate my creativity and passions, and I express them with joy and confidence.


What can I do to nurture a sense of belonging and pride within my home and family?

My home and family are sources of strength and pride. I nurture them with love and care.


How can I communicate my ideas with more confidence and authenticity?

My words are powerful and I communicate my ideas with confidence and authenticity.


In what ways can I value myself more and enhance my sense of self-worth?

I am worthy of abundance and I value myself deeply.


How can I shine more brightly and let my true self be seen by the world?

I am a radiant being and I allow my true self to shine brilliantly.


What hidden talents or inner strengths can I bring to light this season?

I embrace my hidden talents and inner strengths, allowing them to shine.


How can I contribute my unique gifts to my community and social circles?

I share my unique gifts with my community, enhancing our collective brilliance.


How can I take pride in my achievements and use my leadership skills effectively?

I take pride in my achievements and lead with confidence and integrity.


How can I explore new horizons and expand my knowledge and beliefs?

I embrace new horizons and expand my knowledge with enthusiasm.


In what ways can I transform and regenerate aspects of my life for greater empowerment?

I embrace transformation and regeneration, empowering myself fully.


How can I bring more warmth and authenticity to my partnerships and relationships?

I bring warmth and authenticity to my partnerships, creating meaningful connections.


How can I infuse my daily routines with more joy and creativity?

My daily routines are infused with joy and creativity, enhancing my well-being.

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